Noir Disco bring a sense of fun to their hook-filled, genre-bending music. Their latest single, ‘Settin’ Sons’ opens with a folky tone that isn’t afraid to flirt with lo-fi sounds and detuned melodies in a way not dissimilar to Neutral Milk Hotel. Elsewhere in their catalogue, the trio have brought everything from punk to electronica into their style, and rolled all up into the neat little package that is NOW! 2073, their debut album. On this track, Noir Disco explain: “Carter wrote ‘Settin' Sons’ on his guitar and then began recording it with Henry, after which Nolan, who happened to take mushrooms about an hour before they started recording, stumbled upon the guitar takes and began to add every other instrument without thinking about it, to which Carter & Henry came home, looped the improvs then structured the song.” -Dan Peeke
